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Psionic Powers

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NAME Power Level Discipline Body Source
Mirage II Telepathic

You create an illusory image in the target’s mind that appears completely real. The illusion…

Voidrunner's Codex
Move Object Reflex Telekinetic

You summon an unattended handheld object to your empty hand from a distance within range.…

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Past Vision IV Clairsentience

You attune with an object you can touch, or the immediate area surrounding you, and visualize…

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Point Singularity V Translocation

You create a singularity–a miniature black hole–which remains in the target square for the power…

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Portal IV Translocation

You create a portal through space to a location you can see within range. While the portal…

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Power Grab II Telekinetic

You telekinetically reach out and hold a target within range. Make a ranged psionics attack. On…

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Precognition Reflex Clairsentience

Attuning yourself with the environment, you gain a sense of the immediate future. You cannot…

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Project Objects Reflex Telekinetic

You lift several pebble-sized objects within range and hurl them with your mind. Make a ranged…

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Psionic Disruption I General

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of manifesting a psychic power, dissipating…

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Psionic Reflection III General

You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of manifesting a psychic power, redirecting…

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Psychic Barrier III General

You create a psychic barrier which blocks extrasensory intrusion. While the power remains active…

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Psychic Resuscitation V Kinesthetic

You pour psionic energy into a creature which has died in the last hour. The target returns to…

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Psychic Thrust II Telekinetic

You push a target with pure psychic energy. Make a psionic attack roll against the target’s…

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Psychic Touch Reflex General

You sense the presence of psychic energies and psionic activities within an object or creature…

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Psychometry II Clairsentience

You learn a single piece of important information from an object you touch or a location you are…

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Psyshield I Dynakinetic

A buckler made of pure psychic energy forms on your forearm, lasting for the duration. The…

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Push Thought II Telepathic

Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this power. Suggest an activity phrased in a…

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Pyrotechnic Conduit III Dynakinetic

A burst of flame explodes in a 10-foot radius around a spot you choose within range. The fire…

Radiate Inertia IV Telekinetic

You reach out to everything that does not have a mind and immediately bring the world around you…

Voidrunner's Codex
Reactive Boost I Telekinetic

You move a leaping creature or thrown object. It travels an extra 20 feet. If ammunition was…

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Read Mind II Telepathic

You scan for thinking creatures in range and probe a creature’s mind to read its thoughts by…

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Redirect I Telekinetic

You tweak the trajectory of a moving object. Mundane ranged ammunition or melee weapon attacks…

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Redirection Portal III Translocation

You create a pair of tiny space-time portals which intercept a moving missile or energy attack…

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Regenerate Tissue IV Kinesthetic

You pour healing energy into a living creature. The target is restored to maximum hit points,…

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Remedy I Kinesthetic

You infuse a living creature with your psychic energy, healing its injuries. The target regains…

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Sense Presence II Clairsentience

You sense the presence of psionic creatures, and their psionic rating, within range of the power…

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Sense Psionics I Clairsentience

You sense the presence of psychic energies and psionic activities within a 30-foot radius. You…

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Shapeskin I Kinesthetic

Using psionic energy you alter your body, changing your appearance. You cannot alter your…

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Silent Passenger IV Telepathic

You psychically inhabit the corporeal body of another creature, perceiving all its thoughts,…

Voidrunner's Codex
Slow Time IV Translocation

You slow down time for yourself. For the duration of the power you gain the following benefits…

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Sonic Conduit III Dynakinetic

A ground-quaking vibration emanates in a 10-foot radius around a point you choose within range.…

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Sonic Wave I Dynakinetic

You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. Targets in the…

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Static Discharge Reflex Dynakinetic

You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. Make an unarmed…

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Summon Object II Translocation

You teleport an object to your hand. You must have designated the object as the target of your…

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Sunder III Telekinetic

You burst open a door or other portal with psychic energy. Make a ranged psionic attack against…

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Supernova V Dynakinetic

A massive explosion of energy bursts from you in all directions, blasting everything within 30…

Surface Control II Dynakinetic

Every step you take is enabled by your force of will; the ground is psychically altered to suit…

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Telejump II Translocation

You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within range.


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Telekine Limbs IV Kinesthetic

Psychic energy flows out from your torso to form two psionic limbs that support and enhance your…

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Telepathic Messaging I Telepathic

You can use a bonus action to send a telepathic message of 25 words or less to a creature you…

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Third Eye III Clairsentience

You can see a specific place in your mind’s eye as if you were there in person. You can see what…

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Translocate III Translocation

You teleport to any unoccupied place you can see within range. As a reaction to any bonus action…

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Voltaic Conduit III Dynakinetic

Jagged lightning arcs from your fingertips in a direction you choose in a 60 foot line that is 5…

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Weaken II Kinesthetic

Until the power’s effects end, the target doesn’t benefit from any positive Strength,…

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