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Combat Maneuvers

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Name Points Degree Tradition Action Type Summary Source
Don't Hit Me 2 1st degree Comedic Jabs Reaction A well-timed absurdity can save your life Gate Pass Gazette
Instant Allyship 3 5th degree Comedic Jabs Reaction Baffle your enemies to throw them off their rhythm Gate Pass Gazette
Jovial Stance 1 1st degree Comedic Jabs Bonus Action (Stance) Adopt a bouncing, jovial stance Gate Pass Gazette
Just A Giggle 3 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Action The perfect joke can even incapacitate your direst enemies Gate Pass Gazette
Make Them Laugh 6 5th degree Comedic Jabs Action Make a fool of yourself for the delight of others Gate Pass Gazette
Old Pal 1 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Bonus Action putting on a friendly face and sidling up to an enemy thirsting for your blood is just unexpected enough to work. Gate Pass Gazette
Partner Fall 2 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Reaction Nothing impresses like taking somebody down with you Gate Pass Gazette
Pie To The Face 2 1st degree Comedic Jabs Action Throw food to gain the edge in combat Gate Pass Gazette
Pratfall Pull 2 2nd degree Comedic Jabs Reaction Quick footwork can make someone fall with you Gate Pass Gazette
Quick Spill 2 1st degree Comedic Jabs Bonus Action Throw things to gain the edge in combat Gate Pass Gazette
Quick, Drink This 3 4th degree Comedic Jabs Action Splash a liquid down a creature's throat Gate Pass Gazette
Really Very Funny 4 4th degree Comedic Jabs Action A funny gesticulation to disorient enemies Gate Pass Gazette
Rolling With The Punches 3 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Bonus Action (Stance) Pain is easier to bear when you can laugh it off. Gate Pass Gazette
Splash of Humor 2 2nd degree Comedic Jabs Action Splash liquid onto a target Gate Pass Gazette
This is Yours 2 2nd degree Comedic Jabs Action A gift in the mdist of combat unbalances your opponent Gate Pass Gazette