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Gish Gallop

Gish Gallop

-level (

You weave subtle charms into your speech to conceal your mistakes. When you fail a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check, you can choose to immediately repeat the triggering skill check, but with a different skill of your choice from the following: Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion. If you succeed on this check, it replaces the triggering failure. If you fail, all creatures that you are interacting with know you attempted to manipulate them

Fey Tongue

Fey Tongue

-level (

You gain a +10 bonus on Insight checks made to understand the meaning of any spoken Sylvan, Elvish or Primordial that you hear, or any written text in those languages that you can touch.

Sufferer's Strike

Sufferer's Strike

-level (

Your weapon thrums with the power of your misery. As part of casting this spell, make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, you deal your weapon damage plus 2d8 force damage.

Draining Nova

Draining Nova

-level (

Creatures in the area make a Constitution

Burst of Strength

Burst of Strength

-level (

In a sudden eruption of fortitude, you break bonds in inhuman fashion.

Prismatic Mess

Prismatic Mess

-level (

Even a chaotic mess can be made useful using prisimancy.



-level (

You distort light and colors around yourself so that you are subtly more appealing, masking any untoward marks and blemishes. Until the spell ends or you use an action to dismiss it, you are glamored by an illusion that can slightly alter your appearance. These minor changes include hair style and length, eye coloration, sex, signs of age or tiredness such as crows feet and bags under the eyes, concealing or adding tattoos or other marks or blemishes, and general signs of hygiene and cleanliness.

Chromatic Beam

Chromatic Beam

-level (

Area: Line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide

You pour prismatic energy into a gemstone refracting the energy until it fires off as a chromatic beam in a direction you choose. Choose red (fire), orange (acid), yellow (lightning), green (poison), blue (cold), or indigo (thunder) for the color of beam you create. Each creature in the area takes 4d8 damage of the chosen type.

Arcane Mirror

Arcane Mirror

-level (

You choose a mirror you’ve seen on the same plane of existence as you. You create a scrying sensor inside that mirror. You can instead name an area, such as a specific building or city: you create a scrying sensor inside a random mirror within that area. If there is no mirror in the area, the spell fails.

Convenient Retrieval

Convenient Retrieval

-level (

You reach into the container and instantly retrieve an object, regardless of its position in the container.