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Combat Maneuvers

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Name Points Degree Tradition Action Type Summary Source
Attack in Tandem 3 4th degree Beast Unity Bonus Action (Stance) You and your animal companion sync your focus and movements. Gate Pass Gazette
Bounding Charge 1 1st degree Beast Unity Action Your animal companion springs forward and strikes with bestial fury. Gate Pass Gazette
Bring the Mighty Low 3 4th degree Beast Unity Reaction With the right tactics it is possible even for small creatures to topple mighty foes. Gate Pass Gazette
Coordinated Trip 2 2nd degree Beast Unity Bonus Action Working together, you are able to more easily topple creatures than either of you could alone. Gate Pass Gazette
Fetch! 1 1st degree Beast Unity Bonus Action Your animal companion is well-trained in the most basic of commands: fetch. It’s also proficient in fetching more than just sticks… Gate Pass Gazette
Fortifying Reassurance 3 5th degree Beast Unity Reaction Your animal companion takes heart from your reassuring words. Gate Pass Gazette
Get Back! 2 1st degree Beast Unity Reaction Your beloved companion won’t die today—not if you can help it. Gate Pass Gazette
Goading Stance 2 2nd degree Beast Unity Bonus Action (Stance) Like a cat that exposes its belly with murderous intent, your animal companion knows how to lure enemies into its claws. Gate Pass Gazette
Heroic Substitution 3 4th degree Beast Unity Reaction Seeing a loved one in danger can provoke acts of extreme heroism. Gate Pass Gazette
Howl of Challenge 2 3rd degree Beast Unity Bonus Action The fierce cry of your animal companion draws enemies to battle. Gate Pass Gazette
Quick Switch 2 3rd degree Beast Unity Reaction Your animal companion knows how to shuffle itself around the battlefield to better protect and position its allies—or put other creatures in a worse position. Gate Pass Gazette
Strike from Below 3 5th degree Beast Unity Bonus Action Flying creatures once posed a distinct threat to grounded creatures—until now Gate Pass Gazette
Vigilant Stance 1 1st degree Beast Unity Bonus Action (Stance) Your companion has learned to prioritize defense over offense. Gate Pass Gazette
Warning Cry 2 3rd degree Beast Unity Reaction You issue a warning to your animal companion, heightening its defenses. Gate Pass Gazette
Wild Strikes 2 2nd degree Beast Unity Bonus Action You encourage your animal companion to attack ferociously, eschewing accuracy. Gate Pass Gazette