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Combat Maneuvers

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Name Points Degree Tradition Action Type Summary Source
Socialite Stance 1 1st degree Gallant Heart Bonus Action (Stance) With dignified mien and impeccable politesse, you carry yourself with a sense of grandeur. Gate Pass Gazette
Speed Over Strength 1 1st degree Rapid Current Reaction Make a quick attack against a large foe or a foe which attacks you with a heavy weapon. Adventurer's Guide
Springing Stance 1 1st degree Tooth and Claw Bonus Action (Stance) Increase your jump distances. Adventurer's Guide
Striding Swings 1 1st degree Tempered Iron Action Move up to 15 feet though hostile spaces. Adventurer's Guide
Stylish Tumble 2 1st degree Gallant Heart Bonus Action You dive past your enemy with such grace that they are left gawking. Gate Pass Gazette
Swift Stance 1 1st degree Rapid Current Bonus Action (Stance) Increase your Speed by 5 feet. Adventurer's Guide
Throwing Stance 1 1st degree Unending Wheel Bonus Action (Stance) Give your weapon the rebounding and thrown properties. Adventurer's Guide
Trusting Stance 1 1st degree Blazing Starglaive Bonus Action (Stance) Turn attack rolls of 9 or less into rolls of 10. Voidrunner's Codex
Victory Pose 1 1st degree Unending Wheel Reaction Grant allies advantage on death saving throws when you score a critical hit. Adventurer's Guide
Vigilant Stance 1 1st degree Beast Unity Bonus Action (Stance) Your companion has learned to prioritize defense over offense. Gate Pass Gazette
Warding Flourish 2 1st degree Arcane Knight Action With a mystical flourish of your weapon you create a shield of force around a nearby ally. Gate Pass Gazette
Warning Strike 1 1st degree Mirror’s Glint Reaction Stop a creature from moving away from you. Adventurer's Guide
Wary Stance 1 1st degree Mirror’s Glint Bonus Action (Stance) Gain an expertise die on Insight checks and increase your passive Insight score. Adventurer's Guide
Wounding Strike 2 1st degree Unending Wheel Bonus Action Cause ongoing damage to your target. Adventurer's Guide
Zealous Stance 1 1st degree Tempered Iron Bonus Action (Stance) Gain expertise dice on attacks in exchange for granting expertise dice to your foes. Adventurer's Guide