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Deadly Beckoning

Deadly Beckoning

-level (

Until the spell ends, the target is charmed by you and friendly towards you. The spell ends if you or your companions do anything harmful towards the target. While charmed in this way, the target must move in as direct of a path as it can toward you on its turn. Once it is within reach, you can touch the target on your turn, dealing 6d10 psychic damage to it and ending the spell.

Inflict Paranoia

Inflict Paranoia

-level (

You magically shatter your enemies’ comradery. Each target that fails has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened and will not directly support an ally. For example, they will continue to fight, but not cast enhancement or healing spells on their allies, share resources with them, provide cover, or use the Help action. If a creature is already supporting an ally in this way, such as concentrating on a spell, it will immediately stop. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the spell’s effects on it on a successful save.

Object of Fascination

Object of Fascination

-level (

Choose one creature that you can see within 15 feet of the item. Until the spell ends, the creature is fixated on it. While the target is fixated in this way and within range of both you and the item, you can, as a free action, compel it to retrieve the item, provided that doing so isn’t obviously dangerous.

Dancing Feet

Dancing Feet

-level (

You cause a musical chord to play and creatures in the area have a sudden urge to dance.

Sufferer's Pact

Sufferer's Pact

-level (

You burn away weakness to reveal inner strength. The target takes 4d8 force damage. Then, at the start of each of its turns, it gains 2d8 temporary hit points.

Inner Solace

Inner Solace

-level (

You turn a creature’s exhaustion into a well of inner strength.

Fortified Will

Fortified Will

-level (

You harden a creature’s mind with an unbending willpower.

Enervating Light

Enervating Light

-level (

You conjure a mote of sickly light at a point within range.

Dementing Touch

Dementing Touch

-level (

Your touch implants a vile plague in a creature’s mind.

Resplendent Refraction

Resplendent Refraction

-level (

The target’s skin becomes reflective and faceted like a finely cut gemstone. Until the spell ends, the target can use their action to fire a beam of reflected light in a 30-foot line.