Name | Ritual | Level | Classical Spell School | Spell Schools | Summary | Source |
Acid Splash | Cantrip | Conjuration | Acid, Arcane | Conjure a localized bubble of acid that splashes over creatures. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Air Wave | 1st | Conjuration | Air, Weaponry | Cut through the air with a melee weapon to damage a creature within 30 feet. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Alarm |
1st | Abjuration | Arcane, Protection, Scrying, Utility | Set a magical warning against intrusion. | Adventurer's Guide |
Altered Strike | Cantrip | Transmutation | Enhancement, Transformation, Unarmed, Weaponry | Briefly transform your weapon or fist into another material and strike with it. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Animate Objects | 5th | Transmutation | Arcane, Transformation, Weaponry | Create constructs to smite foes. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Arcane Eye | 4th | Divination | Arcane, Scrying | Use a magical eye to invisibly scout. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Arcane Lock | 2nd | Abjuration | Arcane, Protection | Make a nearly permanent magical lock. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Arcane Muscles | Cantrip | Transmutation | Arcane, Enhancement, Transformation, Unarmed | Bulk your muscles to deliver lethal unarmed strikes. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Blink | 3rd | Transmutation | Arcane, Planar, Protection | Have a 50% chance of vanishing each turn to avoid being harmed. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Blur | 2nd | Illusion | Arcane, Protection, Senses | Cloak yourself in distortion, imposing disadvantage on attacks against you. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Burning Hands | 1st | Evocation | Arcane, Fire | Shoot forth a sheet of flames from your hands, damaging creatures in a cone. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Calculate | Cantrip | Divination | Enhancement, Law, Technological | Instantly know the answer to any mathematical equation. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Calculated Retribution | 1st | Abjuration | Force, Law, Weaponry | Surround yourself with a dampening magical field and collect the energy of your foes’ attacks to use against them. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Chill Touch | Cantrip | Necromancy | Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Necrotic | Attack with the chill of the grave, injuring and preventing healing. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Clairvoyance | 3rd | Divination | Arcane, Divine, Scrying | Create a sensor at a distance, allowing you to see or hear through it. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Cobra's Spit | 3rd | Conjuration | Attack, Poison | Spit venom at a creature within 30 feet. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Comprehend Languages |
1st | Divination | Communication, Knowledge | Use magic to better interpret languages you do not understand. | Adventurer's Guide |
Continual Flame | 2nd | Evocation | Arcane, Divine, Fire | Create a torch-like flame that can’t be extinguished. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Create Food and Water | 3rd | Conjuration | Divine, Utility | Conjure food and water to sustain one or more humanoids. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Creation | 5th | Illusion | Arcane, Shadow | Create from shadow-stuff a physical object no larger than a 5-foot cube. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Crushing Haymaker | 3rd | Evocation | Attack, Thunder, Unarmed, Weaponry | Deliver a devastating strike that deals thunder damage and lays your target low. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Cure Wounds | 1st | Evocation | Divine, Healing, Nature | Heal hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Dancing Lights | Cantrip | Evocation | Arcane, Utility | Create up to four floating, magical lights. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Darkvision | 2nd | Transmutation | Arcane, Nature, Senses | Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Deadweight | 2nd | Transmutation | Movement, Transformation | Greatly increase the weight of an object. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Detect Magic |
1st | Divination | Arcane, Divine, Nature, Senses | Sense the presence and school of magical auras. | Adventurer's Guide |
Detect Poison and Disease |
1st | Divination | Divine, Nature, Senses | Sense the presence and identify poisons and diseases. | Adventurer's Guide |
Dimension Door | 4th | Conjuration | Arcane, Teleportation | Teleport yourself and one willing creature great distances. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Disguise Self | 1st | Illusion | Arcane, Obscurement | Create an illusion that makes you appear like another humanoid. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Dispel Magic | 3rd | Abjuration | Arcane, Negation, Protection, Utility | End ongoing magical effects. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Eldritch Cube | 5th | Conjuration | Law, Psychic | Summon a black, nonreflective, incorporeal cube that deals psychic damage to creatures that touch it. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Enhance Ability | 2nd | Transmutation | Enhancement | Increase the effectiveness of one ability score for a creature. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Enlarge/Reduce | 2nd | Transmutation | Affliction, Arcane, Enhancement, Transformation | Increase or decrease a creature’s size. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Fabricate | 4th | Transmutation | Arcane, Transformation | Magically transform raw materials into finished items. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Feather Fall | 1st | Transmutation | Arcane, Protection | Reduce or eliminate damage from falling. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Find Traps | 2nd | Divination | Divine, Protection, Senses, Technological, Utility | Know whether traps are present. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Fire Bolt | Cantrip | Evocation | Arcane, Fire | Shoot a flame at a creature to deal fire damage. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Fireball | 3rd | Evocation | Arcane, Fire | Engulf an area in a blast of flame that deals 6d6 fire damage. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Flame Blade | 2nd | Evocation | Attack, Fire, Weaponry | A blade of fire appears in your hand, allowing you to make fire attacks. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Fly | 3rd | Transmutation | Arcane, Movement | Grant a creature the ability to fly. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Fog Cloud | 1st | Conjuration | Arcane, Obscurement, Weather | Create an area of fog. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Force Punch | 1st | Evocation | Attack, Force, Unarmed | Use a blast of magic to punch a creature. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Freedom of Movement | 4th | Abjuration | Divine, Movement, Protection, Water | Free a creature from most constraints on its movement. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Gaseous Form | 3rd | Transmutation | Air, Arcane, Movement | Make a creature insubstantial and able to fly. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Glyph of Warding | 3rd | Abjuration | Utility | Create a magical trap, storing a spell or burst of harmful energy within a rune. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Grease | 1st | Conjuration | Arcane, Earth | Coat an area in grease, making it hard to move through. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Greater Invisibility | 4th | Illusion | Arcane, Obscurement, Shadow | Turn a creature invisible even while it takes hostile actions. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Greater Restoration | 5th | Abjuration | Divine, Healing | Restore a creature and remove a powerful debilitating effect. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Guidance | Cantrip | Divination | Divine, Knowledge | A creature you touch gains an expertise die on an ability check of its choosing. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Gust of Wind | 2nd | Evocation | Air, Nature | Create a powerful gust of wind that disperses clouds and pushes creatures. | Adventurer's Guide |