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Combat Maneuvers

Tip: Ctrl-click will select (and deselect) multiple options in a select list above.
Name Points Sort descending Degree Tradition Action Type Summary Source
Shove None Basic maneuver None Action Push a creature away. Adventurer's Guide
Blinding Diversion None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Bonus Action Hamper vision by throwing dirt Gate Pass Gazette
Block None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Reaction Block an incoming attack Gate Pass Gazette
Center None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Reaction Take a moment to consider Gate Pass Gazette
Deflect None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Reaction Intuit your enemy's movements Gate Pass Gazette
Gain the High Ground None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Reaction Reposition so you have the high ground Gate Pass Gazette
Goad None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Reaction Enrage your opponent Gate Pass Gazette
Knee Strike None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Bonus Action Strike at a load-bearing point Gate Pass Gazette
Low Blow None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Action Aim for the vulnerable point Gate Pass Gazette
Reposition None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Action Force your enemy to another position Gate Pass Gazette
Taunt None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Reaction Force an emotional mistake Gate Pass Gazette
Really Very Funny 4 4th degree Comedic Jabs Action A funny gesticulation to disorient enemies Gate Pass Gazette
Impeccable Presence 4 4th degree Gallant Heart Bonus Action (Stance) The icon of decorum, your presence leaves no doubt of your whereabouts. Gate Pass Gazette
To The Death 4 5th degree Gallant Heart Bonus Action A duel is not fittingly dramatic without the proper stakes. You lock blades with a worthy foe, and fight to the bitter end. To the winner goes the glory. Gate Pass Gazette
Captivating Speech 5 5th degree Gallant Heart Action Through moving words, you stir the hearts of your allies and captivate your enemies so completely that your allies go unseen. Gate Pass Gazette
Make Them Laugh 6 5th degree Comedic Jabs Action Make a fool of yourself for the delight of others Gate Pass Gazette
