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Name Ritual Level Classical Spell School Spell Schools Summary Source
Accelerando 4th Transmutation Enhancement, Movement, Sound, Time Play a jaunty tune that instills swiftness into up to 6 creatures. Adventurer's Guide
Alter Self 2nd Transmutation Arcane, Movement, Shapechanging, Weaponry Use magic to warp your body. Adventurer's Guide
Astral Projection 9th Necromancy Movement, Planar, Utility Travel the astral plane. Adventurer's Guide
Burst of Strength 1st Transmutation Enhancement, Movement, Protection Take a level of fatigue in order to break a grapple. Gate Pass Gazette
Deadweight 2nd Transmutation Movement, Transformation Greatly increase the weight of an object. Adventurer's Guide
Etherealness 7th Transmutation Movement, Obscurement, Planar Enter the border of the Ethereal Plane. Adventurer's Guide
Expeditious Retreat 1st Transmutation Arcane, Movement Move much faster than normal. Adventurer's Guide
Floating Disk
1st Conjuration Arcane, Movement Create a floating platform which can carry up to 500 pounds. Adventurer's Guide
Fly 3rd Transmutation Arcane, Movement Grant a creature the ability to fly. Adventurer's Guide
Freedom of Movement 4th Abjuration Divine, Movement, Protection, Water Free a creature from most constraints on its movement. Adventurer's Guide
Gaseous Form 3rd Transmutation Air, Arcane, Movement Make a creature insubstantial and able to fly. Adventurer's Guide
Jump 1st Transmutation Enhancement, Movement Imbue a creature with astonish leaping abilities. Adventurer's Guide
Levitate 2nd Transmutation Air, Arcane, Chaos, Movement Cause one creature or object to float. Adventurer's Guide
Longstrider 1st Transmutation Movement, Utility Increase a creature’s walking speed. Adventurer's Guide
Misty Step 2nd Conjuration Arcane, Chaos, Movement, Teleportation Teleport short distances in a puff of shimmering mist. Adventurer's Guide
Phantom Steed
3rd Illusion Arcane, Movement, Summoning, Utility Conjure an ephemeral creature to use as a mount. Adventurer's Guide
Ray of Frost Cantrip Evocation Arcane, Cold, Movement Shoot a ray of cold damage that slows a creature. Adventurer's Guide
Reckless March 2nd Transmutation Enhancement, Movement Suppress the effects of exhaustion at the cost of suffering more later. Gate Pass Gazette
Slow 3rd Transmutation Arcane, Movement, Negation, Time Slow time for 6 creatures, making them sluggish and vulnerable. Adventurer's Guide
Spider Climb 2nd Transmutation Arcane, Movement, Utility Give a creature the ability to walk on walls or ceilings, hands free. Adventurer's Guide
Storm Kick 5th Transmutation Lightning, Movement, Thunder, Unarmed Travel across the battlefield to deliver a thunderous kick. Adventurer's Guide
Telekinesis 5th Transmutation Arcane, Movement Use the power of thought to move a creature or object. Adventurer's Guide
Water Walk
3rd Transmutation Arcane, Divine, Enhancement, Movement, Utility, Water Grant up to 10 willing creatures the ability to walk on liquid surfaces as if they were solid ground for 1 hour. Adventurer's Guide
Web 2nd Conjuration Arcane, Movement, Obscurement Conjure a 20-foot cube or 5-foot layer of sticky webbing that restrains creatures and is flammable. Adventurer's Guide
Whirlwind Kick 3rd Transmutation Movement, Thunder, Unarmed Unleash a spinning kick that strikes creatures in a 60-foot line and carries you across the battlefield. Adventurer's Guide
Wind Walk 6th Transmutation Air, Divine, Movement, Transformation You and up to 10 willing creatures transform into gaseous forms that have a flying speed of 300 feet and resistance to nonmagical weapons. Adventurer's Guide
6th Enchantment Movement, Summoning Call forth a purple worm that carries you and up to 50 creatures across a vast distance. Adventurer's Guide