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Name Ritual Level Classical Spell School Spell Schools Summary Source
Animal Friendship 1st Enchantment Beasts, Compulsion, Nature Befriend an animal. Adventurer's Guide
Animal Messenger
2nd Enchantment Beasts, Communication, Nature Use a Tiny creature as a magical messenger. Adventurer's Guide
Antipathy/Sympathy 8th Enchantment Compulsion Create an attraction or distaste in intelligent creatures. Adventurer's Guide
Bane 1st Enchantment Affliction Cause enemies to be distracted from their attacks. Adventurer's Guide
Bless 1st Enchantment Divine, Enhancement Bless a number of creatures, improving their attack rolls and saving throws. Adventurer's Guide
Calm Emotions 2nd Enchantment Divine, Negation Suppress strong and harmful emotions, negating effects or sapping aggression. Adventurer's Guide
Charm Monster 4th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Make a creature view you as a trusted friend. Adventurer's Guide
Charm Person 1st Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Force a humanoid to view you as a trusted friend for a short time. Adventurer's Guide
Command 1st Enchantment Compulsion, Divine Compel a creature to follow a one-word command. Adventurer's Guide
Confusion 4th Enchantment Affliction, Chaos, Compulsion Strike confusion into the minds of your enemies, making them act randomly. Adventurer's Guide
Dancing Feet 5th Enchantment Affliction, Arcane, Compulsion Force creatures to dance Gate Pass Gazette
Dementing Touch 5th Enchantment Affliction, Evil Plague a creature’s mind to inflict strife. Gate Pass Gazette
Dominate Beast 4th Enchantment Beasts, Compulsion, Nature Take over the mind of a beast. Adventurer's Guide
Dominate Monster 8th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Take over the mind of a creature. Adventurer's Guide
Dominate Person 5th Enchantment Compulsion Take over the mind of a humanoid. Adventurer's Guide
Dramatic Sting 1st Enchantment Fear, Psychic, Sound Frighten a creature by echoing its movements with ominous music and terrifying sound effects. Adventurer's Guide
Enthrall 2nd Enchantment Compulsion Monopolize a creature’s attention. Adventurer's Guide
Fatigued Bargain 1st Enchantment Compulsion, Enhancement, Psychic Suppress the effects of a creature’s fatigue and grant it an additional action at a cost. Gate Pass Gazette
Feeblemind 8th Enchantment Affliction, Arcane, Psychic Crush a creature’s mind. Adventurer's Guide
Fortified Will 1st Enchantment Affliction, Divine, Protection Target can choose to suffer a level of strife in exchange for succeeding at certain saving throws. Gate Pass Gazette
Friends Cantrip Enchantment Arcane Gain an expertise die on a Charisma check. Adventurer's Guide
Geas 5th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion, Divine, Law Give a creature a command with an extremely long duration. Adventurer's Guide
Heroism 1st Enchantment Enhancement Imbue a creature with bravery and vigor. Adventurer's Guide
Hex 1st Enchantment Affliction Lay a mild curse which weakens one ability score. Other
Hideous Laughter 1st Enchantment Affliction, Arcane, Compulsion Cripple a creature with humor. Adventurer's Guide
Hold Monster 5th Enchantment Affliction, Arcane Paralyze a creature. Adventurer's Guide
Hold Person 2nd Enchantment Affliction, Arcane Paralyze a humanoid. Adventurer's Guide
Irresistible Dance 6th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Cripple a creature with the urge to dance. Adventurer's Guide
Mass Suggestion 6th Enchantment Arcane, Chaos, Compulsion Convince up to 12 creatures to carry out a simple instruction. Adventurer's Guide
Modify Memory 5th Enchantment Communication, Compulsion, Utility Alter a creature’s memory. Adventurer's Guide
Muddle Cantrip Enchantment Affliction, Psychic Inflict a temporary level of strife or fatigue. Gate Pass Gazette
Phantasmal Talons 1st Enchantment Psychic, Unarmed Sprout invisible talons of pure will from your fingers. Adventurer's Guide
Power Word Kill 9th Enchantment Arcane, Attack Slay a creature with a single word. Adventurer's Guide
Power Word Stun 8th Enchantment Affliction, Arcane Stun a creature with a single word. Adventurer's Guide
Searing Equation 1st Enchantment Affliction, Law, Psychic Whisper an alien equation that injures the minds of creatures and deafens them. Adventurer's Guide
Sleep 1st Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Cause enemies to fall into a magical slumber. Adventurer's Guide
3rd Enchantment Compulsion, Nature Grant a creature supernatural vigor that keeps it awake. Gate Pass Gazette
Spellbound Oath 6th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Bind two creatures in an arcane agreement Gate Pass Gazette
Suggestion 2nd Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Magically influence a creature, compelling it to follow a simple suggestion. Adventurer's Guide
Tearful Sonnet 4th Enchantment Compulsion, Psychic, Sound Quietly play a tragic tune that fills those around you with magical sorrow. Adventurer's Guide
Vicious Mockery Cantrip Enchantment Arcane, Attack, Psychic Make an insult that delivers psychic damage and gives disadvantage on a creature’s next attack roll. Adventurer's Guide
6th Enchantment Movement, Summoning Call forth a purple worm that carries you and up to 50 creatures across a vast distance. Adventurer's Guide
Zone of Truth 2nd Enchantment Communication, Compulsion, Law Create a zone that minimizes spoken deceptions. Adventurer's Guide