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Name Ritual Level Classical Spell School Spell Schools Summary Source
Contingency 6th Evocation Arcane, Time Prepare a spell to trigger under certain conditions. Adventurer's Guide
Continual Flame 2nd Evocation Arcane, Divine, Fire Create a torch-like flame that can’t be extinguished. Adventurer's Guide
Control Water 4th Transmutation Arcane, Divine, Nature, Terrain, Water A body of water moves at your command. Adventurer's Guide
Control Weather 8th Transmutation Arcane, Divine, Nature, Weather Alter the weather in a 5-mile radius. Adventurer's Guide
Corpse Explosion 1st Evocation Poison, Thunder Make a corpse explode in a poisonous cloud. Adventurer's Guide
Counterspell 3rd Abjuration Arcane, Negation Interrupt another spellcaster as they cast a spell. Adventurer's Guide
Create Undead 6th Necromancy Arcane, Divine, Undead Raise three or fewer humanoid corpses as ghouls. Adventurer's Guide
Creation 5th Illusion Arcane, Shadow Create from shadow-stuff a physical object no larger than a 5-foot cube. Adventurer's Guide
Dancing Feet 5th Enchantment Affliction, Arcane, Compulsion Force creatures to dance Gate Pass Gazette
Dancing Lights Cantrip Evocation Arcane, Utility Create up to four floating, magical lights. Adventurer's Guide
Darklight 3rd Evocation Utility Create a heatless flame that sheds light only you and creatures you choose are able to see. Adventurer's Guide
Darkness 2nd Evocation Arcane, Shadow Shroud an area in magical darkness. Adventurer's Guide
Darkvision 2nd Transmutation Arcane, Nature, Senses Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark. Adventurer's Guide
Deadly Beckoning 4th Enchantment Compulsion, Movement, Psychic Charm a creature into approaching you. Touching them deals 6d10 psychic damage. Gate Pass Gazette
Deadweight 2nd Transmutation Movement, Transformation Greatly increase the weight of an object. Adventurer's Guide
Delayed Blast Fireball 7th Evocation Arcane, Fire Create a fiery explosion that deals more damage the longer it is held before release. Adventurer's Guide
Dementing Touch 5th Enchantment Affliction, Evil Plague a creature’s mind to inflict strife. Gate Pass Gazette
Demiplane 8th Conjuration Arcane, Planar Create a doorway to a dimension you create. Adventurer's Guide
Detect Magic
1st Divination Arcane, Divine, Nature, Senses Sense the presence and school of magical auras. Adventurer's Guide
Detect Thoughts 2nd Divination Arcane, Senses, Telepathy Read the minds of nearby thinking creatures. Adventurer's Guide
Dimension Door 4th Conjuration Arcane, Teleportation Teleport yourself and one willing creature great distances. Adventurer's Guide
Disguise Self 1st Illusion Arcane, Obscurement Create an illusion that makes you appear like another humanoid. Adventurer's Guide
Disintegrate 6th Transmutation Arcane, Attack, Transformation Use a magical ray to disintegrate a creature or object. Adventurer's Guide
Dispel Magic 3rd Abjuration Arcane, Negation, Protection, Utility End ongoing magical effects. Adventurer's Guide
Dizziness Cantrip Enchantment Affliction Make knocking a target prone easier and more damaging. Gate Pass Gazette
Dominate Monster 8th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Take over the mind of a creature. Adventurer's Guide
Dominate Person 5th Enchantment Compulsion Take over the mind of a humanoid. Adventurer's Guide
Draining Nova 4th Necromancy Affliction, Healing, Necrotic Heal 1d8 hit points for each level of fatigue you inflict. Gate Pass Gazette
Dream 5th Illusion Affliction, Communication Invade a creature’s dreams to communicate with and possibly terrorize it. Adventurer's Guide
Eavesdrop 4th Divination Arcane, Divine, Law, Scrying, Senses Create a long-lasting magical sensor that transmits sounds. Gate Pass Gazette
Eldritch Cube 5th Conjuration Law, Psychic Summon a black, nonreflective, incorporeal cube that deals psychic damage to creatures that touch it. Adventurer's Guide
Enervating Light 4th Necromancy Affliction, Undead Inflict fatigue on a creature to heal undead creatures. Gate Pass Gazette
Enhance Ability 2nd Transmutation Enhancement Increase the effectiveness of one ability score for a creature. Adventurer's Guide
Enlarge/Reduce 2nd Transmutation Affliction, Arcane, Enhancement, Transformation Increase or decrease a creature’s size. Adventurer's Guide
Enrage Architecture 7th Transmutation Earth, Terrain Animate a building and make it lash out at its inhabitants and surroundings. Adventurer's Guide
Escape 5th Conjuration Arcane, Teleportation Escape to the surface. Dungeon Delver's Guide
Etherealness 7th Transmutation Movement, Obscurement, Planar Enter the border of the Ethereal Plane. Adventurer's Guide
Expeditious Retreat 1st Transmutation Arcane, Movement Move much faster than normal. Adventurer's Guide
Eyebite 6th Necromancy Affliction, Arcane, Fear Use a gaze attack to curse creatures. Adventurer's Guide
Fabricate 4th Transmutation Arcane, Transformation Magically transform raw materials into finished items. Adventurer's Guide
Faithful Hound 4th Conjuration Arcane, Protection, Sound Summon a stationary, invisible magical guard dog. Adventurer's Guide
False Life 1st Necromancy Arcane, Enhancement Gain temporary hit points. Adventurer's Guide
Fear 3rd Illusion Arcane, Fear Frighten creatures in a cone-shaped area. Adventurer's Guide
Feather Fall 1st Transmutation Arcane, Protection Reduce or eliminate damage from falling. Adventurer's Guide
Feeblemind 8th Enchantment Affliction, Arcane, Psychic Crush a creature’s mind. Adventurer's Guide
Fey Tongue 1st Divination Communication, Knowledge Better understand the fey tongues and ways of communication. Gate Pass Gazette
Find Familiar
1st Conjuration Arcane, Summoning Summon a magical creature to aid you. Adventurer's Guide
Finger of Death 7th Necromancy Arcane, Necrotic, Undead Wrack a creature with negative energy that deals 7d8+30 necrotic damage. Adventurer's Guide
Fire Bolt Cantrip Evocation Arcane, Fire Shoot a flame at a creature to deal fire damage. Adventurer's Guide
Fire Shield 4th Evocation Arcane, Cold, Fire, Protection Gain resistance to and deal fire or cold damage to creatures that hit you. Adventurer's Guide