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Name Ritual Level Classical Spell School Spell Schools Summary Source
Acid Arrow 2nd Evocation Acid, Arcane Create a magical arrow that covers a creature or object in acid. Adventurer's Guide
Acid Splash Cantrip Conjuration Acid, Arcane Conjure a localized bubble of acid that splashes over creatures. Adventurer's Guide
1st Abjuration Arcane, Protection, Scrying, Utility Set a magical warning against intrusion. Adventurer's Guide
Alter Self 2nd Transmutation Arcane, Movement, Shapechanging, Weaponry Use magic to warp your body. Adventurer's Guide
Altered Strike Cantrip Transmutation Enhancement, Transformation, Unarmed, Weaponry Briefly transform your weapon or fist into another material and strike with it. Adventurer's Guide
Angel Paradox 7th Evocation Radiant, Undead Deal 40 radiant damage that ignores resistances and protects a corpse from being turned into undead. Adventurer's Guide
Animate Dead 3rd Necromancy Necrotic, Summoning, Undead Create undead to do your bidding. Adventurer's Guide
Animate Objects 5th Transmutation Arcane, Transformation, Weaponry Create constructs to smite foes. Adventurer's Guide
Antimagic Field 8th Abjuration Arcane, Negation, Planar, Protection Negate magic within a small area. Adventurer's Guide
Antimagic Zone 9th Abjuration Arcane, Divine, Negation, Planar, Protection Negate magic permanently. Dungeon Delver's Guide
Antipathy/Sympathy 8th Enchantment Compulsion Create an attraction or distaste in intelligent creatures. Adventurer's Guide
Arcane Eye 4th Divination Arcane, Scrying Use a magical eye to invisibly scout. Adventurer's Guide
Arcane Hand 5th Evocation Arcane, Attack, Protection Conjure a magical hand that crushes, grapples, slaps, and wards away enemies. Adventurer's Guide
Arcane Lock 2nd Abjuration Arcane, Protection Make a nearly permanent magical lock. Adventurer's Guide
Arcane Mirror 4th Divination Arcane, Communication, Divine, Scrying, Utility Scry through a distant mirror. Dungeon Delver's Guide
Arcane Muscles Cantrip Transmutation Arcane, Enhancement, Transformation, Unarmed Bulk your muscles to deliver lethal unarmed strikes. Adventurer's Guide
Arcane Riposte 1st Evocation Arcane, Attack Respond to a melee attack with a damaging blast of elemental magic. Adventurer's Guide
Arcane Sword 7th Evocation Arcane, Attack, Force, Summoning, Weaponry Create a deadly sword-shaped force that attacks at your command. Adventurer's Guide
Arcanist's Magic Aura 2nd Illusion Arcane, Obscurement, Scrying Disguise the true magical nature of an object or creature. Adventurer's Guide
Astral Projection 9th Necromancy Movement, Planar, Utility Travel the astral plane. Adventurer's Guide
Awaken Portal 4th Transmutation Arcane, Divine, Protection Impart sentience to a door. Dungeon Delver's Guide
Banishment 4th Abjuration Affliction, Planar Send a creature to another plane. Adventurer's Guide
Bestow Curse 3rd Necromancy Affliction, Arcane, Divine, Necrotic Lay a curse upon a creature, giving it potentially long-lasting penalties. Adventurer's Guide
Black Tentacles 4th Conjuration Arcane, Summoning, Terrain Summon forth tentacles from the ground to restrain and damage creatures. Adventurer's Guide
Blight 4th Necromancy Arcane, Nature, Necrotic, Plants Attack a creature by drawing the moisture from it, harming most and devastating plants. Adventurer's Guide
Blindness/Deafness 2nd Necromancy Affliction, Arcane, Divine, Senses Strike a creature blind or deaf. Adventurer's Guide
Blink 3rd Transmutation Arcane, Planar, Protection Have a 50% chance of vanishing each turn to avoid being harmed. Adventurer's Guide
Blood-Writ Bargain
3rd Conjuration Evil, Good, Law, Planar, Summoning Create a pact enforced by celestials or fiends. Adventurer's Guide
Blur 2nd Illusion Arcane, Protection, Senses Cloak yourself in distortion, imposing disadvantage on attacks against you. Adventurer's Guide
Burning Hands 1st Evocation Arcane, Fire Shoot forth a sheet of flames from your hands, damaging creatures in a cone. Adventurer's Guide
Burst of Strength 1st Transmutation Enhancement, Movement, Protection Take a level of fatigue in order to break a grapple. Gate Pass Gazette
Calculate Cantrip Divination Enhancement, Law, Technological Instantly know the answer to any mathematical equation. Adventurer's Guide
Chain Lightning 6th Evocation Arcane, Lightning Fire a bolt of lightning that arcs to multiple foes. Adventurer's Guide
Charm Crowd 7th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Force a group of humanoids within 60 feet of you to view you as a trusted friend for a short time. Gate Pass Gazette
Charm Monster 4th Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Make a creature view you as a trusted friend. Adventurer's Guide
Charm Person 1st Enchantment Arcane, Compulsion Force a humanoid to view you as a trusted friend for a short time. Adventurer's Guide
Chef's Palate 1st Divination Arcane, Divine, Protection, Utility Learn how to prepare targeted food or drink. Gate Pass Gazette
Chill Touch Cantrip Necromancy Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Necrotic Attack with the chill of the grave, injuring and preventing healing. Adventurer's Guide
Circle of Death 6th Necromancy Necrotic Suck the life force from an area, dealing necrotic damage in a large sphere. Adventurer's Guide
Clairvoyance 3rd Divination Arcane, Divine, Scrying Create a sensor at a distance, allowing you to see or hear through it. Adventurer's Guide
Clone 8th Necromancy Arcane Create a duplicate of a creature that awakens upon the original’s death. Adventurer's Guide
Cloudkill 5th Conjuration Arcane, Obscurement, Poison Create a cloud of poisonous fog that obscures the area and damages creatures. Adventurer's Guide
Color Spray 1st Illusion Arcane, Prismatic, Senses Create a flash of brilliant colored light, blinding creatures in front of you. Adventurer's Guide
Comprehend Languages
1st Divination Communication, Knowledge Use magic to better interpret languages you do not understand. Adventurer's Guide
Cone of Cold 5th Evocation Arcane, Attack, Cold Create a blast of frigid air, dealing damage in a cone. Adventurer's Guide
Confusion 4th Enchantment Affliction, Chaos, Compulsion Strike confusion into the minds of your enemies, making them act randomly. Adventurer's Guide
Conjure Aberration 6th Conjuration Arcane, Divine, Planar, Summoning Conjure a hideous being. Dungeon Delver's Guide
Conjure Elemental 5th Conjuration Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water Summon a bound elemental to aid you. Adventurer's Guide
Conjure Minor Elementals 4th Conjuration Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water Summon one, two, or three elementals. Adventurer's Guide
Contact Other Plane
5th Divination Arcane, Knowledge, Planar Risk your sanity in order to question an otherworldly being. Adventurer's Guide