Name | Ritual | Level | Classical Spell School | Spell Schools | Summary | Source |
Calculate | Cantrip | Divination | Enhancement, Law, Technological | Instantly know the answer to any mathematical equation. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Calculated Retribution | 1st | Abjuration | Force, Law, Weaponry | Surround yourself with a dampening magical field and collect the energy of your foes’ attacks to use against them. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Call Lightning | 3rd | Conjuration | Lightning, Nature, Storm, Weather | Create a storm cloud and call upon bolts of lightning every round. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Calm Emotions | 2nd | Enchantment | Divine, Negation | Suppress strong and harmful emotions, negating effects or sapping aggression. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Ceremony |
1st | Evocation | Divine | Perform a religious ceremony for a funeral, last rites, offering, purification, or rite of passage. | Adventurer's Guide |
Chain Lightning | 6th | Evocation | Arcane, Lightning | Fire a bolt of lightning that arcs to multiple foes. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Charm Crowd | 7th | Enchantment | Arcane, Compulsion | Force a group of humanoids within 60 feet of you to view you as a trusted friend for a short time. | Gate Pass Gazette | |
Charm Monster | 4th | Enchantment | Arcane, Compulsion | Make a creature view you as a trusted friend. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Charm Person | 1st | Enchantment | Arcane, Compulsion | Force a humanoid to view you as a trusted friend for a short time. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Chef's Palate | 1st | Divination | Arcane, Divine, Protection, Utility | Learn how to prepare targeted food or drink. | Gate Pass Gazette | |
Chill Touch | Cantrip | Necromancy | Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Necrotic | Attack with the chill of the grave, injuring and preventing healing. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Chromatic Beam | 2nd | Evocation | Arcane, Prismatic | Refract light through a gemstone to produce a ray of the chosen energy type. | Gate Pass Gazette | |
Circle of Death | 6th | Necromancy | Necrotic | Suck the life force from an area, dealing necrotic damage in a large sphere. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Circular Breathing | Cantrip | Transmutation | Air, Enhancement, Water | Breathe and sing underwater, and regulate your breath to avoid harmful gases. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Clairvoyance | 3rd | Divination | Arcane, Divine, Scrying | Create a sensor at a distance, allowing you to see or hear through it. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Clone | 8th | Necromancy | Arcane | Create a duplicate of a creature that awakens upon the original’s death. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Cloudkill | 5th | Conjuration | Arcane, Obscurement, Poison | Create a cloud of poisonous fog that obscures the area and damages creatures. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Cobra's Spit | 3rd | Conjuration | Attack, Poison | Spit venom at a creature within 30 feet. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Color Spray | 1st | Illusion | Arcane, Prismatic, Senses | Create a flash of brilliant colored light, blinding creatures in front of you. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Command | 1st | Enchantment | Compulsion, Divine | Compel a creature to follow a one-word command. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Commune |
5th | Divination | Divine, Knowledge, Planar | Reach out to beyond the realms material to answer your questions. | Adventurer's Guide |
Commune with Nature |
5th | Divination | Knowledge, Nature | Become one with nature to learn about the surrounding land. | Adventurer's Guide |
Comprehend Languages |
1st | Divination | Communication, Knowledge | Use magic to better interpret languages you do not understand. | Adventurer's Guide |
Compulsive Urge | 3rd | Enchantment | Affliction, Compulsion | Imbed a chronic, compulsive habit in a creature. | Gate Pass Gazette | |
Cone of Cold | 5th | Evocation | Arcane, Attack, Cold | Create a blast of frigid air, dealing damage in a cone. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Confusion | 4th | Enchantment | Affliction, Chaos, Compulsion | Strike confusion into the minds of your enemies, making them act randomly. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Conjure Aberration | 6th | Conjuration | Arcane, Divine, Planar, Summoning | Conjure a hideous being. | Dungeon Delver's Guide | |
Conjure Animals | 3rd | Conjuration | Beasts, Nature, Summoning | Summon beasts to your aid. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Conjure Celestial | 7th | Conjuration | Divine, Good, Summoning | Summon an angelic being to your aid. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Conjure Elemental | 5th | Conjuration | Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water | Summon a bound elemental to aid you. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Conjure Fey | 6th | Conjuration | Arcane, Nature, Summoning | Summon a hag, hound, or redcap. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Conjure Minor Elementals | 4th | Conjuration | Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water | Summon one, two, or three elementals. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Conjure Woodland Beings | 4th | Conjuration | Nature | Summon up to three blink dogs, satyrs, or sprites. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Consume Vigor | 4th | Necromancy | Healing, Necrotic | Deal necrotic damage and potentially reduce your own strife and fatigue. | Gate Pass Gazette | |
Contact Other Plane |
5th | Divination | Arcane, Knowledge, Planar | Risk your sanity in order to question an otherworldly being. | Adventurer's Guide |
Contagion | 5th | Necromancy | Affliction, Arcane, Nature | Afflict a creature with disease. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Contingency | 6th | Evocation | Arcane, Time | Prepare a spell to trigger under certain conditions. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Continual Flame | 2nd | Evocation | Arcane, Divine, Fire | Create a torch-like flame that can’t be extinguished. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Control Water | 4th | Transmutation | Arcane, Divine, Nature, Terrain, Water | A body of water moves at your command. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Control Weather | 8th | Transmutation | Arcane, Divine, Nature, Weather | Alter the weather in a 5-mile radius. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Convenient Retrieval | Cantrip | Conjuration | Arcane, Utility | Instantly retrieve an item from a container. | Gate Pass Gazette | |
Corpse Explosion | 1st | Evocation | Poison, Thunder | Make a corpse explode in a poisonous cloud. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Counterspell | 3rd | Abjuration | Arcane, Negation | Interrupt another spellcaster as they cast a spell. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Create Food and Water | 3rd | Conjuration | Divine, Utility | Conjure food and water to sustain one or more humanoids. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Create or Destroy Water | 1st | Transmutation | Divine, Utility, Water | Create or destroy up to 10 gallons of water. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Create Undead | 6th | Necromancy | Arcane, Divine, Undead | Raise three or fewer humanoid corpses as ghouls. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Creation | 5th | Illusion | Arcane, Shadow | Create from shadow-stuff a physical object no larger than a 5-foot cube. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Crushing Haymaker | 3rd | Evocation | Attack, Thunder, Unarmed, Weaponry | Deliver a devastating strike that deals thunder damage and lays your target low. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Cure Wounds | 1st | Evocation | Divine, Healing, Nature | Heal hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. | Adventurer's Guide | |
Dancing Feet | 5th | Enchantment | Affliction, Arcane, Compulsion | Force creatures to dance | Gate Pass Gazette |