Gate Pass Gazette
The Gate Pass Gazette is the official monthly magazine for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. You can subscribe to it on Patreon. The content below includes mechanical elements of the magazine, but not the full text or context of the articles.
The first issue (which we called Issue #0) of the Gate Pass Gazette included the artificer class, lycanthropy rules, the construct heritage, and the jabberwock monster. We release an issue every month, including new heritages, archetypes, monsters, magic items, and much much more.
Issue #0 (January 2022)
- Artificer (class) | Bombardier archetype | Machinist archetype | Stitcher archetype
- Constructed (heritage)
- Lycanthrope Synergy Feats || Curse Bearer || Howl at the Moon || Moon Speech
- Jabberwock | Jabberwocky
ISSUE #1 (March 2022)
- Fateholder (monster)
- Foretold Prowess || Lore Weaver (bard archetype) | Defiant (berserker archetype) | Bladeseer (fighter archetype) | Revoker (herald archetype)
- Weaving Prophecy || Spinner Cult (culture) | Prophecy | Ring of Inspiration Storing
- The Fellspire
- Exploration Challenges || Festering Sewer Tunnels | Fellspire Gloaming
- Magic Items || Bloodiron Band | Gloam Bread | Mindblade
- Monsters || Askwise Keeper , Earless Hungerer , Sewer Walker
ISSUE 2 (April 2022)
- Avenging Archetypes || Charging Shield (fighter archetype) | Fantastic Fletcher (ranger archetype) | Quickstepper (adept archetype) | Mutant (warlock archetype)
- Well-Quipped: Steampunk Gadgets & Gear || Defensive Umbrella | Bicycle Bell of Flight | Murderous Straight Razor | Spectral Camera | Spirit-Trapping Camera | Useful Top Hat
- Living at the Edge of Night || Cursed (background | Haunted (background) | Slayer (destiny)
- I Heard You Like Monsters || Trapped Sarcophagus (exploration challenge) | Fouled Sluice (exploration challenge) | Stuffed Crab (monster)
ISSUE 3 (May 2022)
- Those of the Web || Spiderfolk (heritage) | Ethereal Scout (culture)
- Paths of Courtly Intrigue || Courtier (rogue archetype) | Court Magician (wizard archetype) | Militarist (fighter archetype) | Tranquil Master (adept archetype)
- Cunning Curses || Ring of Battered Courage | Cipher Sword | Glory's Glaive | Circlet of the Apprentice | Crown of the Crystal Sovereign
- Mount Jino
- Exploration Challenges || Sucking Bog | Crumbling Masonry
- Monsters || Rock Troll | Canicore | Aracnecore
ISSUE 4 (June 2022)
- Ways to be Fey || Dreamborn (heritage) | Dreaming Wilds (culture) | Fey Court (culture) | Fey Servant (background)
- Lone Rangers || Monster Hunter (archetype) | Partisan (archetype) | Skilled Survivalist (archetype)
- Battlefield Horrors: Cadaver Gorgers || Blood Maggot | Misery of Blood Maggots | Corpse Fly | Scourge of Corpse Flies | Gorger Zombie | Gorger Zombie Horde | Blood Maggot Infestation (disease)
- Well-Equipped: Items of Intrigue || Armored Corset | Bouquet of Wisdom | Brighella's Guitar | Butterfly Clips | Chariot a la Calabaza | Cravat of Strangling | Dancing Shoes | Fan of Whispering | Fool's Hat | Harlequin's Cards | Heartbreak's Dagger | Letter-Lift Paper | Ring of the Vengeance Seeker | Mask of Anonymity | Parasol of the Blade | Secret-catching Pearls | Signal Rings | Unparalleled Pianoforte
ISSUE 5 (July 2022)
- Synergy Feats for Extraordinary Heroes || Bronze Protector | Steel Protector | Adamantine Protector | Dimensional Step | Teleporting Combatant | Crawling Teleporter | Hulking | Tremendously Hulking | Impossibly Hulking | Iceborn | Frozen Steps | Subzero Soul | Talented Telepath | Mental Mastery | Boundless Mind
- The Western Shore || Grip Current (exploration challenge) | Giant Crab Traps (exploration challenge) | Lance Crab (monster) | Bay Witch (monster) | Kraken Scale (magic item) | Sail of the Black Opal (magic item)
- Canticle of the Wing || Birdfolk (heritage) | Crag-Keeper Simirengo (culture) | Far-Flyer Simirengo (culture) | Sky-Seeker Simirengo (culture)
- The Zephyr's Complement || Contriver (rogue archetype) | Hotshot (bard archetype) | Eldritch Gunslinger (warlock archetype)
ISSUE 6 (August 2022)
- Playing Against Type || Bodyguard (rogue archetype) | Bruiser (adept archetype) | Steel Renegade (druid archetype)
- Pet Chaos || Beast Unity (combat tradition/maneuvers)
- Forensic Magic: Spells of the School of Law || Eavesdrop | Identify Weapon | Reopen Rift | Silver Shield | Stone Sentinel | Trace Magic Aura
- The Mechanoskulls || Assaultskull (monster) | Decoyskull (monster) | Gobletskull (monster) | Serviceskull (monster) | Spyskull (monster)
ISSUE 7 (September 2022)
- Cunning Curses 2: Hauntingly Hexed || Axe of Chilling Fear | Crest of Putrid Endurance | Hand of the Night | Hope's Final Light | Mask of Relentless Fury | Shackle of the Ghostheart Covenant
- Streamlining Your Dungeons: Delving Activities
- To Go On Account: Archetypes for a Pirate Crew || Lionheart (marshal) | Seadog (fighter) | Stormwalker (druid)
- Sea of Sand || Heat Haze Mirage (exploration challenge) | Guardians of the Forgotten Kingdom (exploration challenge) | Bow of the Viper (magic item) | Scale Milk (magic item) | Stalking Cat (magic item) | Sandpit Vipers (monster) | Rock Dragon (monster)
ISSUE 8 (October 2022)
- When Warlocks Take Note || Dread Knight (archetype) | Unnaturalist (archetype)
- Grim Beginnings || Convict (background) | Eccentric Experimenter (background) | Monster Slayer (background)
- Howl! || Garoul (heritage) | Blood Pack (culture) | Moonkeeper (culture)
- Halloween Haunt || Poltergeist (monster)
ISSUE 9 (November 2022)
- Heritages of the Coral Climes || Galeoni (heritage) | Pode (heritage)
- The Arcane Knight || Arcane Knight (combat tradition/maneuvers)
- Heaven's Roof || Altitude Sickness (exploration challenge) | Elsenian Span (exploration challenge) | Lip-Service Potion (potion) | Chotion (potion) | Concentrated Tincture (potion) | Skywing (magic item) | Heaven's Roof Ring (magic item)
- Heirs of Command: Marshal Archetypes || Chief Enforcer (archetype) | Knight Commander (archetype) | Sea Scourge (archetype) | Ship (stronghold) | Sailor (follower)
ISSUE 10 (December 2022)
- Extraordinary Archetypes || Concordant Commander (marshal archetype) | Ghostly Soul (adept archetype) | Songweaver (sorcerer archetype) | Throwing Ace (rogue archetype)
- Useful Utility Spells || Beautify Creature | Chef's Plate | Convenient Retrieval | Fertilize Field | Housekeeping | Instant Window | Laundry Day | Map Marker
- Feats For Citified Heroes || Alley Adventurer || City Survivor || Face in the Crowd || Familiar to the Watch || Hidden Armorer || Neighborhood Figure || Pillar of the Community || Politician || Office Holder || Second Story Worker || Snoop || Tavern Fly || Urbane
- Primeval Destinies || Darkness | Death | Fire | Ice | Light
ISSUE 11 (January 2023)
- The Icefields of Rhinam || Glacial Collapse (exploration challenge) | Icefield Fever (exploration challenge) | Gauntlet of Dominion (magic item) | Rhinam Life Gem (magic item) | Rime Ant (monster) | Rime Ant Queen (monster) | Rhinam Guardian (monster)
- Pets to Please Any Party || Bear-Bonded (berserker archetype) | Gyre Gazer (warlock archetype) | Houndmaster (fighter archetype)
- Cervids: Power and Grace || Cervid (heritage) | Hedge Witch (background)
- The Eldritch Blackguard || Eldritch Blackguard (combat tradition)
- Once Upon a Time on the Rugged Frontier || Ghost Town (exploration challange) | Locust Swarm (exploration challenge) | Passing Warband (exploration challenge) | Lost Prospector (monster) | Minotaur Conqueror (monster) | Luz Mala (monster)
- Legendary Weapons of the Frozen North || Angurvadal | Gram | Skofnung | Tyrfing
- Underland Ranchers || The Cuberos || Cubero (culture) | Cube Herder (background) || Cube Herder Equipment
- Exemplars of the Academy || Avantist (savant archetype) | Diplomat (savant archetype) | Naturalist (savant archetype)
ISSUE 13 (MARCH 2023)
- Life of a Combatant || Martial Artist (background) | Scrapper (background) | Strategist (background)
- Those of the Astral Sea || Zevite (heritage) | Children of Zev (culture) | Zevanchist (Culture)
- The Mines of Herekda || Ensorceled Labyrinth (exploration challenge) | Hateful Mist (exploration challenge) | Dial of Dal (magic item) | Iron Foe Mace (magic item) | Mykand (monster) | Kanos Spawn (monster)
- Tertiary Casters || Arcane Officer ( marshal archetype) | Fanatic ( berserker archetype) | Oaken Fist ( adept archetype)
ISSUE 14 (APRIL 2023)
- The Magic of Art || Abstraction (spell) | Animate Painting (spell) | Chromatic Beam (spell) | Glamour (spell) | Pigment Cloud (spell) | Prismatic Mess (spell) | Resplendent Refraction (spell)
- Going to the Dogs || Madrai (heritage) | Rover (culture)
- Otherworldly Knights || Anomalous Knight (herald archetype) | Dragon Knight (herald archetype) | Knight of the Fey (herald archetype)
- Nature's Protectors || Abtazri the Brutal (monster) | Kadderia the Ferocious (monster) | Xeraz the Vicious (monster)
ISSUE 15 (MAY 2023)
- The Forest of Davek'dran || Soporific Spores (exploration challenge) | Unseen Gateways (exploration challenges | Eltare's Malaise (malady) | Paper Armor (magic item) | Valency's Essays (magic item) | Swarm of Sickle Bats (monster) | Spore Thrall (monster)
- Pipes and Tactics || Pied Piper (bard archetype) | War Falconer (marshal archetype)
- Children of the Sun and Moon || Chrysalian (heritage) | Solar Chrysalian (culture) | Lunar Chrysalian (culture)
- Magics of the Weary Tower || Burst of Strength (spell) | Consume Vigor (spell) | Dementing Touch (spell) | Draining Nova (spell) | Enervating Light (spell) | Fatigued Bargain (spell) | Fortified Will (spell) | Gate from Beyond (spell) | Inner Solace (spell) | Muddle (spell) | Reckless March (spell) | Sufferer's Pact (spell) | Sufferer's Strike (spell) | Transmute Exhaustion (spell) | Transfer Exhaustion (spell)
ISSUE 16 (June 2023)
- Out of Retirement || Former Adventurer (Background) || Retiree (Background) || Return to Glory (destiny) || Optional Rules for Out of Retirement
- Home on the Prairie: Origins from the Rugged Frontier || Oxfolk (Heritage) || Keeper of the Land (Culture) || Preservation (destiny) | Foundation (destiny)
- Favored Hands of Divinity: Cleric Archetypes || Anointer || Exorcist || Hecatomb
- The Zephyr's Legacy: An Airship and Her Crew || Airship (stronghold) || Skysailor (Follower) || Zephyr (Airship) || Aeronaut (Background) || Airship Crew (Culture)
ISSUE 17 (July 2023)
- The Court of Dawn & Tribunal of Twilight || Planar Shifts (Exploration Challenge) || Promises Given (Exploration Challenge) || Promises Unfulfilled (Exploration Challenge) || Fey Tongue (Spell) || Spellbound Oath (Spell)
- Origins of the Southern Seas: The Reef Singer Culture and Beachcomber Background || Reef Singer (Culture) || Beachcomber (Background) || Glowing Body Paint (Magic Item) || Jaunty Sea Anemone (Magic Item)
- Scourge of the Sea: The Blastfire Pirates || Blastfire Crewmate (Monster) || Blastfire Captain (Monster) || Bonnie Blastfire (Monster)
- Hands of the Deliverers: Protector Archetypes || Preserver (cleric archetype) || Security Specialist (savant archetype) || Warder (sorcerer archetype)
ISSUE 18 (August 2023)
- Curious Creatures: Endemic Life
- If By Sea: Oceanic Exploration Challenges || Battle in the Depths | Becalmed | Dead Air | Coral Reef | Floating Carcass | Naval Battle Aftermath
- Exemplars of the Academy 2: Seekers of Secrets || Archaeologist (savant archetype) | Detective (savant archetype) | Philosopher (savant archetype)
- Elementary, My Dear Water Son || Elementarii (planetouched gifts) | Cinder Chaser (culture) | Earthen Artisan (culture) | Open-Air Ascetic (culture) | Waterflow (culture)
ISSUE 19 (September 2023)
- Enter Stage Left || Comedic Jabs (combat tradition) || Don't Hit Me || Jovial Stance || Pie To the Face || Quick Spill || Pratfall Pull || Splash of Humor || This is Yours || Just A Giggle || Old Pal || Partner Fall || Rolling With the Punches || Quick, Drink This || Really Very Funny || Instant Allyship || Make Them Laugh
- Well-Equipped: Cultural Gear || Cosmopolitan Gear | Eladrin Gear | Lone Wanderer Gear | Stoic Orc Gear | Tyrannized Gear | Wood Elf Gear
- Fall Festivals || Bondsday || Tarphen || Halsyle Day || Erstwin
- Making Do || Scrap Crafter (artificer archetype) | Improvisational Genius (feat) | Item Intuition (feat) | Vermin Supreme (feat)
ISSUE 20 (October 2023)
- Harrowing Haunts || Blood Storm (exploration challenge) | Creeping Wood (exploration challenge) | Ghostlights (exploration challenge) | Grasping Fog (exploration challenge) | Hungry Shadows (exploration challenge) | Insidious Paranoia (exploration challenge) | Stalking Doll (exploration challenge)
- Monarch of Misery || Gourd Empress (monster) | Gourdling (monster) | Squashling (monster)
- Perverse Contamination || Corruption (condition) | The Blighted Battlefield (exploration challenge)
- The Labyrinthine Library || Lexican (culture) | Keeper (background)
- Extra Witchy || Pact of the Censer | Pact of the Cauldron | Cauldron of Holding (invocation) | Dimensional Cauldron (invocation) | Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (invocation) | Path of Ashes (invocation) | Part the Veil (invocation) | Smoke Cloud Conjurer (invocation) | Shade of Smoke (invocation) | Trail of Embers (invocation)
ISSUE 21 (November 2023)
- Chivalry is Alive || Gallant Heart (combat tradition) | Fixated (condition) | Rally Point Warrior (feat)
- Harvest Hall || Call of the Feast (exploration challenge) | Leaving the Hall (exploration challenge) | Wild Revelry (exploration challenge) | Rubyglow Wine Bottle (magic item) | Fortune Sharer's Pie (magic item) | Dancing Feet (spell) | Sleeplessness (spell)
- Baleful Behemoth || Wailrus (monster) | Giant Walrus (monster) | Walrus (monster)
- Mindwalkers: Cerebral Archetypes || Mentalist (bard archetype) | Synaptic Surgeon (artificer archetype)
ISSUE 22 (December 2023)
- Winter Wassails || Hearthenflame | Longnight | Feast of the Forgotten Hero | Snowharvest
- Eccentric Arcana || Antiquarian (wizard archetype) | Geomancer (wizard archetype) | Street Magician (wizard archetype)
- Mastering the Elements || Rare Skills | Uncommonly Skillful (feat) | Prodigy (follower) | Gifted Gloves (magic item)
- Beneath the Canopy || Carnivorous Fish (exploration challenge) | Corpse Plant Stench (exploration challenge) | Follow the Waystones (exploration challenge) | Maddening Twilight (exploration challenge) | Perpetual Twilight (exploration challenge) | Sacred Garden of the Ancients (exploration challenge) | Treetop Bridge (exploration challenge) | Wilderness Garden (exploration challenge)
ISSUE 23 (January 2024)
- Cultural Gear || Caravanner Cultural Gear | Circusfolk Cultural Gear | Itinerant Cultural Gear | Nomad Cultural Gear
- Shadows of the Self || Shadowcast | Shadower | Replacer
- Mighty Mini Mounted Marshals || Archetype Feature: Unusual Mount | Burrowrider | Wallrider | Waverider | Wingrider | Dire Mole | Dire Sparrow
- One-on-One: Mechanics for Duels and Single Combat || One-on-One Combat Rules | Spectator Actions | Dueling Maneuvers | Blinding Diversion | Block | Center | Deflect | Gain the High Ground | Goad | Knee Strike | Low Blow | Reposition | Taunt
ISSUE 24 (February 2024)
- Humble Beginnings || Beggar | Day Laborer | Local Muscle | Shopkeeper
- Ingenious Synergy Feats || Strategic Thinker | Game Theorist | Grandmaster | Audio Engineer | Amped Up | Go To Eleven | Divine Spark | Haleg Scepen | Imago Dei | Mischief Maker | Mystical Trickster | Protean Persona | Infiltrator | Intelligence Officer | Covert Operative | Secret Agent | Espionage Expert
- Tangle of Bridges: The Trolkin || Trollkin | Underbridge
- Nature's Reflections: Druid Archetypes of the Mirror Planes || Blinkwitch | Shade Collector | Ghasthopper | Cloud of Ghasthoppers
ISSUE 25 (March 2024)
- Cultural Gear: No Place Like Home || Collegiate Cultural Gear | Imperial Cultural Gear | Settler Cultural Gear | Villager Cultural Gear
- Villain Spotlight: Everficer and Direnaut || Direnaut | Everficer | Mage Cuffs
- Year of Celebration: Spring Holy Days || Dawnsong | Fallsday and Kassag | Cirani | Artificial Avalanche | Firsthunt | Feast of Cats | Heshgarat Cat
- Expected, Unexpected, Bizarre || Arcano-Pugilist | Botanotechnitian | Wandmaker
ISSUE 26 (April 2024)
- Control the Battlefield: Fire and Movement || Mounted Pistoleers | Dragoon | High Elf Spell Slinger | Mounted Gunslinger | Mounted Pistoleer Squad | Door Breaker | Bugbear Door Breaker
- Scheming Tricksters: New Savant Class Features || Aegises | Flourishes | Other Tricks | New Clever Schemes | Ingenious Training
- Court of Groves: The Dryadborn Heritage || Dryadborn (Heritage) | Fixated (Condition) | Grovekept (Culture)
- Theory into Practice: Bard Archetypes || Analyst | Orator | Whisperkeeper
ISSUE 27 (May 2024)
- Year of Celebrations: Summer Celebrations || Igananfeast | Summer-Forge | Summer Blade | Festival of Bridges | Tidecall | Tidecull Coral
- Signature Spells of D'Amandre: The Infamous Hypnotist || Acquiring D'Amandre's Spells | Dizziness | Gish Gallop | Nervous Recoil | Stumble | Object of Fascination | Subliminal Messenger | Compulsive Urge | Inflict Paranoia | Deadly Beckoning | Charm Crowd | D'Amandre's Charm Likeminded Person
- Birds of a Feather: Variant Birdfolk || Flightless Birdfolk | Mystic Birdfolk
- Tinker, Tailor: Archetypes for Artisan Artificers || Tinker | Tailor
ISSUE 28 (June 2024)
- Ways of the Rhode Wardens: The Unerring Hawk Combat Tradition || Rhode Warden Organization | Rhode Warden | Unerring Hawk Combat Tradition | Hamstring | Resteady | Stoic Stance | Thread the Needle | Harrying Shots | On Task | Run Down | Overwatch | Singular Focus | Stalking Crouch | Hunting Stance | Merciless Ambush | Predict Movements | Blood Tracking | Split the Arrow
- Cats' Grace: The Pantheran Heritage || Pantheran | People of the Snows | Ka-Teni Equipment | Ka-Teni Culture
- Hellish Descent: Infernal Exploration || Breach of Contract | Court Summons | Diabolical Toll Road | Infernal Court | Stygian Ferry Crossing
- Tavern Crawl Mechanics: Activities for a Night Out || Night Out Activities (optional mechanic) | Brawl | Competitively Drink | Dance | Look for Romance | Gamble | Join Intellectual Discussion | Perform | Pickpocket | Rumormonger | Bar Trophies | Friends We Made Along the Way